It’s Time You Thrive In All Areas Of Life.

I help professional women (like you) resolve the stuff holding you back from feeling good about yourself and your life. 

Featured in

Thrive global
Authority Magazine

What if you genuinely felt good about yourself and your life?

You’ve already accomplished or overcome more than most.
Now just imagine what it will feel like when you…

mountain icon representing Felt an unshakable sense of purpose

Overcome self-doubt and inner critic thoughts

character icon representing Exuded unstoppable confidence

Exude unshakeable calm confidence

badge icon representing powerful decisions with total certainty

Resolve emotional pain and trauma keeping you stuck

alignment lines icon representing Led in alignment with what you value most

Fully accept yourself, and feel good about who you are

The good news is…

Everything you need is already on the inside.

When you change what’s happening internally, you change your world.

I promise!

But first, we have to peek inside your head and heart to see what’s holding you back.

Signature Offers

These are in addition to weekly single talk therapy sessions. 


new growing life from concrete
rozanna wyatt life coach

Therapy Redefined – EMDR Intensive


Access a lifetime of change

Have you tried traditional weekly talk therapy sessions only to find they feel like one more “to do” at the end of your busy day?

Are you motivated to create change now, or want to accelerate your growth?

Or maybe you’re tired of feeling stuck and want to take control of how you feel and your life.  

I’ve got great news!

An EMDR intensive is an alternative approach to the weekly therapy model for those looking for rapid change without attending months or years of therapy.

EMDR intensives are half, one, two, or three-day experiences, and are customized to meet your unique needs and goals. 

EMDR is scientifically based and proven to help clients get results – fast.

My clients describe EMDR Therapy as transformational and life-changing. Together, we’ll have you feeling happy, confident, and in control of your life.

 Simply put, you’ll be thriving from the inside out. 


How do I know if an EMDR Intensive is right for me?

You’re a motivated high-achieving woman looking for change now

You’ve tried traditional therapy, but still feel stuck.

 You want to accelerate your personal growth.

And if you struggle with…


Negative and ruminating thoughts


Anxiety (including performance)





Fear of failure or rejection

Lack of motivation

Focus & Overwhelm

Performance Enhancement (in business or sports)

Then an EMDR Intensive is for you!

With An EMDR Intensive, We Will…

Uncover the beliefs that have been blocking you from your ultimate success
uncover your true desires to reach your full potential
Eliminate your recurring fears, thoughts, or behaviours & pursue your genuine purpose
eliminate limiting beliefs and recurring fears so you can fully accept all of you
Heal deep-rooted emotional wounds and blockages...for good

resolve deep-rooted blockages, emotional pain, and imposter syndrome… for good

Have the calmness to perform under pressure, when it matters most

reinforce new thoughts and behaviors to fearlessly pursue goals and fully thrive

If you’re ready to receive the transformation you’ve been longing for — FAST, with lasting results that truly empower you…

This is your invitation to something different.



Performance Coaching for Professionals & Leaders

Let’s eliminate your self-doubt so you can have the confidence to perform at your highest potential.

What is Performance Coaching? 

Performance Coaching is a personalized 1:1 coaching process that teaches you how to harness the power of your mind to overcome self-doubt and have the confidence, focus, and motivation to perform at your highest potential. 

The professional world is competitive. You have the skills, education, and expertise, but do you have the confidence to feel and perform at your best? 

Whether you’re a professional or a seasoned leader who doubts your abilities day to day or under pressure, or you’re looking to level-up your skills, Performance Coaching will transform your mindset so you can have the confidence, focus, and motivation to perform at your highest potential with your well-being intact. 

How does Performance Coaching work?

Performance Coaching starts with a powerful 60-minute 1:1 coaching intake session. During our session, I’ll learn what makes you who you are, identify the blocks holding you back from performing at your best, and get crystal clear on your goals. Customized strategies and a step-by-step plan for how you’ll start transforming your confidence from the inside out will be identified. 

Depending on your areas of development and goals, we’ll meet 3x/month for 60-minute customized coaching sessions over a 3-month time period, where you’ll learn to:

Transform Your Confidence – Discover your personal well of untapped potential so you can confidently trust your decisions, radiate your brilliance, and confidently be your authentic self.

Overcome Self-Doubt, Overthinking, & Inner Critic Thoughts – No more being held back by self-doubt and inner critic thoughts. Gain new skills to harness the power of your mind and master your emotions to take action and have the confidence to perform at your highest potential. 

Ignite Your Focus & Joy – Learn to set the right priorities and how to refocus so you can concentrate on the things that matter, bounce back from setbacks – and let go of the rest. 

Become a More Effective Leader – Renew or develop your leadership abilities, improve your self-awareness, be empowered to overcome life and professional hurdles, and be the authentic leader you would follow.

…And so much more!

And, in case you were wondering…

Performance coaching is science-based, blending high performance strategies and psychology principles to get you to perform optimally from the inside out.

You’ll learn some of the same tools Navy Seals, Olympic Athletes, and the world’s most successful entrepreneurs and business leaders use to confidently perform and feel at their best.

Add in I LOVE my job, genuinely want to see you succeed, and your commitment to growth – – it’s a WIN!


Is Performance Coaching for Me?

Performance Coaching is for driven professionals and ambitious leaders who are tired of dealing with self-doubt and ruminating over every decision or detail and know they have more potential.



Regardless of your industry, Performance Coaching will transform your confidence, performance abilities, and your life, guaranteed.

Investment Includes

3-Months Performance Coaching

9 x 60-Minute Customized Coaching Sessions

One Customized Coaching Workbook

Book your consult for more information!



The Gift of Confidence 

The ultimate women’s coaching program to get the confidence, happiness, and fulfillment you want

Confidence and Fulfillment Starts Here.

What would it feel like to be more confident and truly feel fulfilled personally and professionally? 

To stop doubting yourself and feel self-assured?

To stop searching outside yourself for your happiness and worth?

And to no longer be held back by what keeps you stuck?

If you’re reading this, it’s likely because you want more confidence, happiness, and fulfillment. 

But you sometimes feel held back by self-doubt, question your worth outside your professional identity, and secretly feel unloveable. 

Maybe years of over-achieving has left you feeling disconnected from yourself, exhausted, and questioning what makes you happy. 

Or maybe you’re going through a major transition and wonder how to be your confident self (or rediscover who that is) and live life authentically – – on your terms.

If you can relate, you’re not alone.

This is what hundreds of smart, dynamic, and ambitious women have secretly been telling me in our 1:1 work.

What If One Transformational Opportunity Could Unlock The Confidence, Joy, and Fulfillment You Crave?

Trust me when I say you don’t have to keep doubting yourself and questioning your worth.

You can have the confidence, fulfillment, and relationship you desire  – – complete with your happiness and well-being intact.

Most importantly, you can thrive from the inside out in ALL areas of your life. 

FACT: You can develop a confident mindset, feel good about who you are, and you can experience fulfillment personally and professionally that genuinely satisfies your soul.

I’m Rozanna Wyatt – an Award-Winning Licensed Therapist and a Global Performance Coach with over fifteen years of experience and a proven approach that empowers women to feel confident and in control of their happiness and lives. 

I’ve spent thousands of hours working with women (like you) to grow their confidence, reclaim their identities, unlock their potential, and create massive transformations in their personal and professional lives. Now, we’re going to empower you with the greatest gift you can give yourself – Confidence. 

If you’re reading this, you’re probably an ambitious professional, executive leader, or a successful entrepreneur.

You’ve achieved some important goals. But you’re ready for more (whatever that is for you). You want to feel confident in who you are and how you’re living your life. 

That’s where The Gift of Confidence comes in…


The Gift of Confidence isn’t just another coaching program. It’s a total confidence transformation where we resolve what’s been keeping you stuck so you can rediscover and be your confident, authentic self and feel empowered to thrive in life!

The Gift of Confidence is an exclusive 12-month 1:1 coaching program. Everything is fully customized to you and your goals because you deserve more than a cookie-cutter one size fits approach. 

 The Gift of Confidence is a deeply transformational experience where you’ll step into your next level of potential and experience confidence that radiates deeply from the inside out without sacrificing your happiness or well-being.  Together, we’ll empower you to experience new levels of confidence, joy, and fulfillment.

Using the most advanced psychology and neuroscience principles, high-performance strategies, life coaching tools, and real-life applications, you’ll develop the clarity and strategies you need to…

* Be confident, self-assured, and in control of your mind (say goodbye to self-doubt that holds you back), so you can unlock your confidence and be your true authentic self

* Experience inner peace and deep self-love, so you can get off the rollercoaster of not feeling good enough and can trust your abilities and own your skills 

* Gain clarity and value your intuition and desires, so you can stop sacrificing what you want and experience authentic fulfillment

* Break free from hidden patterns and limiting beliefs, so you can experience deeply meaningful relationships and new levels of joy

* Reduce stress and bounce back from setbacks, so you can feel good about yourself with your well-being intact

So you can feel confident, step into your potential, and thrive from the inside out now – not “someday.”

But That’s Just The Start!

In other words, it’s a year of rediscovery, unlocking potential and empowerment, where you’ll believe wholeheartedly in yourself, know your worth, own your future, and thrive in all areas of life.

It’s Time!

Give Yourself The Gift of Confidence


 Investment Includes

1-Year of Transformation 

27 x 60-Minute Customized Coaching Sessions 

Three Customized Coaching Workbooks

Book your consult for more information!

*prices subject to increase*


My life is forever and irrevocably changed with Rapid Transformational Coaching! Rozanna had the expertise to take me where I couldn’t go by myself. I broke the chains that had me bound in self-doubt for years, and now I feel ready to take on the WORLD!

I feel focused, determined, and potent. Secure, anchored, and at peace. I KNOW what I am capable of and where I am headed, without doubt or fear. Rapid Transformational Coaching is a must for anyone who wants to perform at their best.

Rozanna’s work is on a totally different level. She exemplifies the difference between struggle, achievement, and success.”

– D. Ledi, Senior Leader & Entrepreneur

Within 15-minutes, Rozanna was able to shape a metaphor that fit, like a key in a solid oaken door, to open the stairwell leading to the mental preserve where my long-dormant initiative had taken false refuge. The creative fires were freed up. Since then, even more compelling was the discovery of the self-reinforcing value of her coaching.

She helped me transform the mental “block” from an inhibition into a dynamic resolve that reinforced itself, so that, instead of fading from perception, it acquired its own momentum, creating a ripple effect, and has attained a valuable place among the “tools” at my disposal for other creative efforts.

I cannot thank Rozanna enough! That’s more than talent – that’s a gift she has. I am simply in awe!”

– Dr. Neumann

Within a month of working with Rozanna weekly, I have actualized a dream. As I write these words, they don’t capture the feeling of having an idea, a dream manifested into reality. It still feels surreal.

Rozanna did not only help me gain clarity with my goals but she did something very unique to her, she believed in me when I could not see past my self-doubts and fears. She consistently let me know the potential she saw in me and helped me work through irrational thoughts that were holding me back.

I now have the business of my dreams launched and I honestly think I would be still stuck and lost in the weeds had it not been for Rozanna’s genuine warmth, and coaching skills helping me get clear with my vision. I truly believe it is her holistic coaching approach that has helped me to accelerate in the direction of my dreams.”

– E.F Entrepreneur

Working with Rozanna has truly been transformational. The only other time I have used this phrase is after reading “Daring Greatly” by Brene Brown. I went into our first coaching session with the hope of learning some strategies to promote and grow my business. What I left with was SO much more! I felt as though I had my “internal” work figured out. Unbeknownst to me, there were so many negative core beliefs holding me back.

I have had several huge breakthrough moments throughout our sessions and these insights have set me on a path I didn’t even know existed. My motivation has sky-rocketed and even more importantly, the belief in myself and my capabilities is on a level I have never experienced before. Not only have I continuously hit my weekly goals, my incoming cliental has been steadily increasing.

My internal dialogue has completely shifted and I cannot even articulate how great this feels. I am so excited to continue my work with Rozanna and I now genuinely believe that the sky is the limit!”

– R. Gabruck, Psychologist & Entrepreneur